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Friday, December 30, 2011

End Year Shopping

Segala otot2 telah bekerja keras rabu lepas memerah keringat kat gym
mmg best dan sakit
Kat sini nak masuk murah sgt
cuma RM4 per entry!
Equipment pon byk!
Tapi kalau korang nak dtg
jgn dtg pkl 1
sbb ms tu gym time kakak cleaner nak memvacuum dan mengemas k

Gym yg murahbest ini terletak di
Kompleks Belia Dan Sukan 4029
Jalan Kampung Pandan 55100 Kuala Lumpur
Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur
kalau nak tanya apa2 boleh contact
03-9200 8870
sygnya kitaorg pergi sini bg penutupan Program Trim n Fit
Tahun ni berjaya kurangkan dlm 4-5 kg..
compare dgn thn lepas yg sgt lah statik beratku
pasni x tahulah bila lg dpt pergi.
maklum jelah x de driver.. huhuhu

peha rs terlalu sakit nak berjln..
mmg seksa..
tp nak nampak seksi kenelah seksa dulu kan.
jln pon kengkang2
bak kata kawan opis
"mcm org lepas beranak la kak"
mung ni so hampeh!

tulah blsannya utk org yg mls nak exercise
pastu exercise pon semput2.

So Jumaat yg berkat..
Walapun hati tergedik2 nak pergi shopping
sbb gaji baru masok
lgpon takut tauke sogo bankrupt sbb x pergi shopping lagi kat situ..
tgh hari td
xde pergi ke mana2 shopping mall..
impress x?
tp jgn ingat x boleh shopping..

Ha amek kaw!again
English cotton
beli kat 'musleemah fashion'
RM85 included postage

bebudak opis ni x bg beli kain ni
dorang kata mcm bebudak
like always...
nak jugak
otai opis lah katakan..
kunun love2 tu boleh bg impact nampak lebih muda.
kerlast gitu!
jgn jelez k..

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Small deeds never overlook

Ever been on a drive? Inside in your ride
And your looking through the glass, see a car on the side
The engine's broken and the car is smoking
And the dude is shaking cause the heat is baking
Or this cat's (guy) gotta flat, and the spare's all whack
No jack in the back, and no clue where he's at
There ain't no real rush, but you roll right by
Not even asking the guy if he needs a supply
He might be alright, and to pass ain't a sin
But within you feel bad the state that he's in
How hard would it been, just to ask "you ok"?
That might be the deed that you need to succeed
That might be the deed that will so please Allah
That your forgiven the sinning you did when you was living
It's a small little thing, that can cling and just ring
And will bring the blessing from Allah Who's the King
We pass on the deeds cause they seem all small
But it might be the deed that's the best of them all
Mad when see all the passes I took
On these small little deeds I just overlook

Chorus: I just can't believe
Small little deeds that I overlook, can you see?
Little deeds that I overlook, and you read
I read about it in my holy book, it says
Small deeds never overlook

Picking up trash on the path in a flash
Taking glass from the grass, as you pass to your class
A smile goes a mile and is sure worthwhile
When a brother's hostile, and has been for awhile
Put a dollar every day in the sadaqah (charity)
It may be small but you do it for the baraka (blessing)
I know you're saving for the Polo and the Nautica
A poor student but you do it just to please Allah
Things like praying for an ailing brother, under the weather
Obeying yo your lovely mother, it's for the better
Stay and help your baby brother, put on a sweater
Even saying good to one another when you're together
Advice to another sister about a mister
Your wife always go and kiss her, tell her you miss her
At night do quiet dikhr (mentioning God), and pray the witr
Invite a guy who wants to bicker, to share a snicker
Grand plans expand in our small little hands
But we overlook demands that just seem like strands
We get jammed on exams, cause we skip the small things
Small baby deeds come, bring the blessings!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011


Tempahan utk kak intan
Praline isi hazelnut dan almond


Hari ni result exam Peg. Antidadah keluar..
dr pagi nak cek x cek2..
mmg redha apa2 pon result..
org mcm sy yg salu fail exam..
dah biase..
asalkan sy tahu sy dah berusaha..
yg lain tu kerja ALLAH

n ptg td baru sempat cek..
Shukur sgtssss

Walaupun byk soklan x dpt jwb..
dan hentam jer
tp lulus jugak..
happy sbb first time lulus SPA
[mental problem sbb happy]
Nampaknya kenelah tunaikan janji nak bw si jajan @ cikgu math ke Seoul Garden..
sbnrnya xde pun paper math

pasni ape yek?
Ujian fizikal dan kecergasan?

Sape2 yg tahu bg tau sy ye..
share tips dgn sy k.. hihi

Apapun pasni..
Saya akan cuba yg terbaek..
[kalau ade ujian fizikal terpaksa kontrol mkn utk dptkan BMI yg normal]
boleh caye ke?

Semoga semua berjln dgn lancar..

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

My Bro's wife baju kawen

kenduri berjln lancar
walaupun nak buat kecik2 je..
tp mmg ramai yg dtg
nasib mkanan mmg cukup
sbb byk yg dpt sponsor..
nanti kenduri I, uolsss jgn lupe sponsor tau.. :P

K, aritu dah post ttg bj kawen bhgn tgn..
ok kali ni utk keseluruhan pulak
[snap bila teringat jer.. hehehe..]

Ekceli byk lagi nak tambah,,
tp mmg x sempat..
hok ni pon tido sampai pkl 2 pagi..

* * * * * * * * * * *
asyik jahit bj nikah org jer..
bila pulak nak buat bj sendiri ni?
* * * * * * * * * * *

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Pertandingan Video Osem APG

Sesampai opis
mcm biase lepas punch kad dan on PC
terus buka ke laman FB
Astaghfirullah lagho sungguh! :P
Scroll ke bawah front page FB
Ternampak satu video yg di share kan oleh ex oficcemate dulu
Pertandingan Video Osem APG
Ntah aku pon x tahu
Tapi best jugak video ni..

Salu pepagi aku dah layan lagu merepek2..
Tp hari ni lain sket..
mmg osem video ni kan?
Hehehe.. pastu tgn cepat je tgk ke next video..

Walapunn video yg first tu mmg cool giler
tp 2nd video ni mmg terkesan dihati ku yg rock ni..
[Rock ke? bak kata kwn sy : U r a hipster.. hipster ke.. hihihi]

Sempat tgk 2 je video
Perut dah lapo tahap histeria
Hope korang pon terkesan tgk video yg menyentuh hati ni k!

Pepagi rs sebak tgk video ni..
Tapi membuatkan aku muhasabah diri sendiri
Ya ALLAH berilah hidayah pd hamba mu yg salu lagho ni..

Pagi Khamis yg mulia ..
Semoga lebih berkat hari ini..
Saya sharekan video ni utk kwn2..
Semoga kita sama2 muhasabah jugak :)

TQ pd Pn Noriza sbb sharekan video memula td..

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Kara's Design

Rasa cuak kejap bila kakak opis minta tolong designkan T-shirt untuk program Trim & Fit yg kiteorg join tu..
apa yg kau x cuak? semua pon cuak.:P
X pernah ada pengalaman mendesign baju
Masa diberi cuma 2 hari je..
Pc pon x de special software nak design..
nak pakai software ape pon x tahu
akhirnya dgn menggunakan 'paint'
terhasillah design yg ntah hape2 ini:

Apa mcm bro?
pass x?

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Suka sgt lagu ni!
Mula suka lagu ni dari zaman sekolah rendah..
ms tu sekolah kiteorg masok pertandingan persembahan..
so bebudak yg masuk tu kene persembahkan lagu ni..
tp dorang nyanyi version ori = jepun..
mcm biase sy cuma jd org yg pasang lighter dan goyang2 dr belakang pentas.. huhuh
watak sampingan

Lagu ni mula2 dinyanyikan oleh Kyu Sakamoto
sebut betoi2..
bukan ajinomoto atau yamaha moto k

"Sukiyaki Japanese title is "Ue o muite aruko", roughly translated is "I Walk Looking Up (so the tears won't fall), performed by Kyu Sakamoto, written by Hachidai Nakamura and Rokusuke Ei . However, this English translation was written by Janice Marie Johnson lead singer and bass player of the band A Taste Of Honey. Sadly, she had to give up all writing credit to the original writers in order to get the song published and recorded. The original sounds like a Japanese cowboy swing trail song." ranhill
nak tau lg ttg lagu ni kat sini.

So bg sesiapa yg nak dgr y ori punyer boleh dgr kat sini.
Enjoy k!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Batik Fun Walk 2011

4 pagi2 lagi kami dah tercongok kat depan Malaysia Tourism Centre Jln Ampang
Nak join Batik Fun Walk 2011.(curi dr kamera jajan)

Sebelum tu gelap2 kiteorg dah berkumpul kat opis..
together gether naik monorel dr Stesen Chow Kit ke Bukit Nanas
sampai sana c Buncit dan keluarganya dah sampai
n tolong registerkan dan ambik goodies & nombor.
kiteorg pon berebut2 nak pilih kain batik paling cantek..
Bestlah dpt kain batik free
buku upin ipin, 1 muffin dan 1 cake.. oklah tukan..
dont expect too much lah kalau byr pon rm10 je.

Sbb nak nampak uniform n cool..
kiteorg pon dok melilit kain batik tu kat bahu ala2 org nak main dikir barat.
ada jugak yg lagi cool pakai ala2 superman
dan pakai ala2 org pusing2 tuala kat kepala mcm org nak pg sawah.. hihihi
terpulang pd kekretipan masing2..

Acara jalan2 start nak dekat2 pkl 9
thn ni lebih pendek dr thn lepas.. 2.3 km jer..
Thn lepas? ntah x tahu sbb br join thn ni.. :P
Start dr Malaysia Tourism Centre melalui Jalan Ampang, Jalan Sultan Ismail, Jalan P. Ramlee dan pusing balik ke Jalan Ampang
Bila lalu kat KLCC.. lenggang & sunyi..
Biasalah pg cuti.. semua masih bergulung dlm slimut..

Knp kiteorg nak join batik Fun Walk ni sbb
1. Nak Fun 2. Nak exercise 3. Nak adiah!

Adiah2 yg dorang sediakan :
1. Youngest participant [dah kompem2 x dpt]
2. Oldest articipant [elloo i masih muda u!]
3. Largest group [Sian kiteorg x boleh join yg group punya sbb x ckp sorang huhuhu]
4. Individual most creatively dressed in Batik. Sian makcik ni x menang..Giler cool kan?

5. Family most creatively dressed in batik
6. Lucky draws. ha yg ni jelah kiteorg tunggu!

Lepas beberapa round cabut undi..
nampaknya x de sorang pon geng kiteorg yg dpt..
x pelah x de rezki..
balik dgn keciwa.. tp happy jugak.. sbb dpt enjoy dan tgk hazama..
Hazama? ala yg nyanyi lagu Cinta teragung tu..

Korang ingat tak Arwah Datin Seri Hendon?
mantan istri Datok Seri Abdullah Badawi la..
Dialah yg menaikkan batik kat Malaysia ni
Start tu staff goment dah kene pakai bj batik ri khamis..
dan koleksi bj batik ku pon bertambah.. :P

Just nak bg tau anak die, Noryn dan KJ pon dtg..
so sempatlah pose2 dgn KJ...
pose jelah bkn minat pon..
anyway KJ hensem gak.. cuma bwh mata die mcm ada dark circle.
mungkin sbb byk sgt fikir masalah negara.. ahaks!

Pas bergmbar2 kiteorg sempat jugak join contest mengaler batik..
mmg enjoy! patutnya 11 hb dorang announce pemenang,.
tp mcm xde sape pon kene contact..
aiyoookk.. nampak sgt x de bakat.. :P

Perlu ke ayu begitu sekali? :P

Kebanyakkan pemenang adalah org Cina termasuklah utk adiah 'Most creatively group & individual dressed in Batik" & Largest Group.. Org melayu menang sikit je.. sbb x ramai yg join. Erkk..bukan ke batik tu warisan Melayu? tp kalau pepagi pg jogging kat Tasek Titiwangsa pon mmg kebanyakkan org Cina yg memenuhkan kawasan tu.. mana pergi org Melayu?..
hmm masih tido lagila tu..

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Bubur nasi udang/ ketam

Bubur nasi udang/ ketam

Hari ni menu kita adalah bubur nasi udang ye tuan puan,
Resipi ini sgt sesuai utk org yg terlalu penat balik dr kerja
x larat nak masak & xde bhn apa2 dlm peti ais
pastu kononnya x nak beli mknan siap
sebab tinggi kalori
so dis food..
kalori adalah kurang dr <180kcal
cuma kurang sehat
cuma tambah air panas dan unggu beberapa minit.
Boleh didapati di kedai2 runcit
dan pasaraya berdekatan..
Selamat mencuba!

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Copek & Sodap!
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Monday, December 5, 2011

Bj Nikah my bro's fiancee

Bahagian tgn jubah

He's is belong to someone

Terkejut tgk ada sesuatu menjenguk kat sliding door pepagi..
tiba2 bunyi sesuatu berlari2 kat tangga..
Blackie turun mendpt c coklat dan menggesel2 hidung..
amboi pepagi gf dah dtg cari..
so skrg ni gf blackie dah buat rumah kiteorg mcm rumah sendiri..
dan dpt nama baru : brownies.. :)

selamber jer baring2 kat rumah org... ish2.. anak sapo lah ni..

Bestnyer jd Blackie..
dah ade pasangan..
dok berkepit pon x de sape nak tangkap bsh..

Tapi kesian, dah 2 minggu Blackie x sehat...
hingus asyik meleleh je...
doktor kata mungkin kene Aids sbb skrg byk kucing kat taman tu kene Aids..
Tulah kakak dah ckp jgn asyik kuar rumah..
semoga Blackie cpt sembuh...